A Love Letter to YOU
1:1 Radiant Love Sessions
Dearest You,
Know that you are Pure Love. That you are Loved for being You, for being the Radiant Love and
Light that you are.
Remember when you came to be here, when you were born into this physical form, into this beautiful
body, on this vibrant planet, to express through and from. Remember…remember…remember.
Feel the Love that you are, how Loving you are, how Loved you are. Remember that you have always
been Love, Loving, and Loved. And know that you will always be Love, Loving, and Loved.
Feel the pure Divine Love of all of Creation bathing you in pure Love and Light. Reminding you that
you are a unique expression of Creation, of pure Divine Love. Remember…remember…remember.
Gently inhaling, feel the radiant Love and Light that you are growing stronger and lighter, vibrating
brightly through each and every particle of your body. Your true essence joyfully expressing throughout
the body and into all of Creation.
Feel You merging into and through each and every cell, particle, and space of your body. Feel your
pure Divine Light radiating throughout the entire physical form. Easily emanating through each
and every part of the body, no longer feeling confined by the body.
Feel the lightness of fully expressing your unique expression of Creator Consciousness. Fully awake,
vibrant, and radiant!
Embrace all of You, your knowingness of You, and the power and strength of expressing your
Radiant Love and Light.
Experience the freedom and power of expressing your Pure Divine Essence…the Radiant Love and Light
that you are! Right here, right now!
Be You, here and now! Expressing You, the Love and Light that you are. Feeling the Freedom and
Joy of being You, of sharing You, of Shining Brightly!
I see You…I acknowledge your Pure Essence…your Radiance…the Radiant Love and Light that you are!
Thank you for being YOU…for expressing the Radiant Love and Light that you are!
With Radiant Love,
Kris Z @kzradiantlove kriszimmermann.com